Welcome To 4ns Consulting

We are a Christian Consulting Firm. 

Our focus is to make better churches, better pastors, better leaders, better communities, and better businesses.

Check out the services we offer today. 

About Nathan Shutes

Rev. Nathan Shutes is a Christian author, former senior pastor of two churches, short-term missionary, outreach pastor, songwriter, and a day job in IT consulting.

His books and writings are used in Christian colleges around the globe to teach leaders and pastors. He has written extensively on church growth, brokenness, depression, leadership, Jonah, Ephesians, Ruth, team building, and many other subjects. 

He has four daughters and is married to Natasha. They currently live in Cocoa Beach Florida, they previously lived in Cleveland Ohio, and grew up in Michigan. 

His greatest passion is growing people, coaching people, and seeing the potential that is hidden in all of us. He can read people quickly and help them become more self-aware and start working on weaknesses and start celebrating and working in their strengths. 

If you would like to schedule a time to talk to Nathan, you can reach him at nate.shutes@4nsconsulting.com 

Services We Offer


How to write sermons - Email us at nate.shutes@4nsconsulting.com  to discuss

How to exegete Scripture - Email us at nate.shutes@4nsconsulting.com  to discuss

Pre-written sermon packages - Email us at nate.shutes@4nsconsulting.com  to discuss

One-on-one coaching for aspiring leaders or leaders (business or Christian) - Email us at nate.shutes@4nsconsulting.com  to discuss

Group or team coaching (business or Christian) - Email us at nate.shutes@4nsconsulting.com  to discuss